It can be difficult to know when you need a credit card and when you don’t. After all, the benefits of having a credit card extend far beyond being able to shop for clothes, furniture and electronics without paying for…
Best Methods for Reducing Food Waste
Did you know that nearly 1/3 of the food produced for human consumption around the world is wasted? That’s a staggering amount of food – enough to feed the world’s hungry two times over! In this blog post, we will…
How We Paid Off $25K in Debt Fast, in Less Than 9 Months!
We’re all well aware of the financial crisis that has plagued the world for the past few years. With the crash of nearly every financial institution in the Western world, it’s no surprise that we’re still feeling the effects today….
13 Mind-Blowing Mistakes We Make When Paying Off Debt
Do you have more than a few credit cards and loans? If yes, you’re not alone. It is a very common way for many people to manage their finances and pay for things they need. However, as with everything, there…
50 Free Things To Do Instead Of Spending Money
Everyone loves to splurge every now and again. But how often do we find ourselves thinking: “I just don’t have enough money for everything I want?” Every now and again, we all need to make cutbacks. So why not channel…